Rall Elder

Rall Elder

Host, father, small business owner
Rall is a dad, husband, veteran, and small business owner. Rall served in the United States Air Force before going on to create his own business in the greater Phoenix, Arizona market. He's married to a badass Latina because of course he is. He has four beautiful children ranging from a couple of baby twins to a high school senior and a soon-to-be college grad. Rall is also not-so-secretly in love with Rudy's little brother, but that's a story for another day.
Rudy Martinez

Rudy Martinez

Host, husband,  freelancer
Rudy has been just about everything one can be in a lifetime; a college dropout, a military veteran, a husband, a dog-dad, a comedian, a published writer (sure, it was only one magazine, but it counts!), and a recovering alcoholic. He is as surprised as anyone that he is still here. He's a little jealous of Rall's unabashed lust for his little brother.